Continuing Education & Lifelong Learning

Continuing EducationThe Continuing Education Division provides each credit score and noncredit courses taught by University college or adjunct school members who’re acknowledged experts in their fields. Our courses, both for credit and noncredit, are sometimes taught on weekends and evening.

Seminars – These programs are ofttimes held in a hotel conference probability for a couple of hours to varied days. Ordinarily the programs bid continuing instruction assets of eight PDH per day. If you individual to journey to pay attention the seminar, your more expenses past the cost of the seminar instrument embody residency, air fares, dealings automobile, and eating. A three-day class can easily go a number of 1000’s dollars. Also submit into consideration that during this time period you give not be excavation on any contracts, your complement college drawback billable hours.

Give the present of information. Non-credit score continuing training programs make the right holiday or birthday present. …