What signs should you be aware of when thinking About hiring a garage door repair fort Lauderdale fl company to replace your Commercial Door?

Your commercial garage door can be used as an entryway to your restaurant or storage area for your most valuable inventory. And this adds visual value to your business and protects your valuable assets from theft and weather damage. After years of repairs and maintenance, you might wonder if it is time to replace your garage door.


It is usually less expensive to replace an older commercial door than to fix it multiple times.

When hiring a garage door repair in fort Lauderdale fl, to replace your commercial door, their experts will show you what to look for.


What is the life expectancy for a commercial door? If the door is maintained properly, it can last many decades. It will be simple to replace your commercial door.


  • You may need to replace your commercial door if it continually breaks down. It is worth the expense to

Black and white punctuate Oakland home’s interior design | Home & Garden

By Pat Eby Special to the Post-Dispatch

Megan and Matt Temple were looking for a great home for their family when fate intervened in their search. They found a house that was not yet on the market but would be for sale soon.

“We were living in Lafayette Square in a beautiful historic house built in 1874. I was pregnant with our second child. Our home was three stories, tall and narrow, and there wasn’t a lot of room for kids to move around in it,” Megan Temple says.

At Home with Megan and Matt Temple for publication July 10, 2022

The Temples flipped the original kitchen and living room to maximize the light. The switch gave them more privacy with a view of the property, bringing nature into the home.

Photo by Jeannie Liautaud Photography

“We’d been looking in the Kirkwood-Glendale area for a while. An acquaintance of my husband’s was planning to sell his home in Oakland, which is just

I’m an interior designer – Five things you have to do to your home to reduce stress

WITH inflation soaring and everyone worried about shelling out more for everything from food to fuel, stress levels have gone through the roof, and are keeping many up at night.

One interior designer shared five tips on how to reduce some of that stress at home – so it feels more like a sanctuary.

TikToker @MrPhoenixGrey posted five tips for creating an oasis at home and de-stressing your living space


TikToker @MrPhoenixGrey posted five tips for creating an oasis at home and de-stressing your living spaceCredit: TikTok/mrphoenixgrey

The self-proclaimed “design daddy” who uses the handle @MrPhoenixGrey shared his tips on a TikTok post that has more than 8,000 views.

Here are the five changes he suggests making to de-stress.

1. Art

The designer says in his opinion “art will always be in the forefront.”

He says choosing art that will uplift you is crucial, and says you should always include artwork in your bedroom.

I'm a home design expert - seven easy hacks to cool down a room without A/C
I'm an interior design fan – 5 items under $25 to make your home look luxurious

“It’s the first thing you see in the morning and

Home interior decor tips: Living room rug ideas to amp up your space

Updated On Jul 28, 2022 12:08 PM IST

When it actually comes to transforming a room, the power of a well-made rug is unmatched. Picking the right rug can instantly amp up the living room making it cozy, vibrant and elegant. Here are some tips by home interior decor experts

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The living room is the heart of any home, it is where we spend a lot of time - a place where guests are hosted, and where the family spends time together making it essential for it to look welcoming and warm.  Making changes in the color scheme, and readjusting décor can change the entire look and feel of the room but what is underestimated is the impact of a rug.  When it actually comes to transforming a room, the power of a well-made rug is unmatched.  Picking the right rug can instantly amp up the living room making it cozy, vibrant, and elegant. (Photo by Kimia Khoubani on Unsplash)

Updated on Jul 28, 2022 12:08 PM IST

The living room is the heart of any home, it is where we spend a lot of time – a place where guests are hosted, and where the family spends time together making it essential for it to look welcoming and warm. Making changes in the color scheme, and readjusting décor can change the entire look and feel of the room but what is underestimated is the

Secret home decorating tips and tricks to jazz up your home interior

Almost all of us want to live in an elegantly designed house whose interior matches the exact images of a Pinterest board. But not a lot of us are a major fan of efforts and re-decoration, we feel ya! If are looking for some simple and easy tricks, inspiration and guidance to spur up the appearance of your home without much ado, then you have stumbled upon the right page. Lavishing interiors do not necessarily need luxurious elements, all it takes is your creativity and the right tricks to boost up the look and feel of your home. Here we bring penned down 4 secrets that you should be aware of to bring out the best in your home.

Say no to too many elements

We all want the best home decorating elements in our home and due to this sole reason, we unnecessarily jam-pack the interiors with too many